Player pop50 posted a message on 07/11 16:22 on the MadWin Forum: My idea of the day: A modular menu. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  My idea of the day: A modular menu
14 years ago

🙋 people!

My idea is a modular menu.
I explain: We
all have this display in the header:
Free Games - Loot Games Games - Challenges - tournaments Catch A Prize tournaments.......

My idea is that everyone can personalize their menu.
Personally, I don't play King, so I'd like to replace him with Eldorado!

This way everyone has access to the sections and games that he uses the +

Jespère that you understood me....

Have a nice weekend, everyone!

14 years ago


I also like your claudie idea, it would be more personal and above all, to our taste but, I think cricri just sees 🤪 .

Pending a response from the web'


14 years ago

I'd like that too!
But I'm not sure they agree... isn't it in their interest to advertise games that don't work as well by highlighting them?
Honestly, I don't understand King. Even if you're extremely lucky; the cost in clicks is always extremely higher than the gain... I really don't see the point of this game... except if you want to give credits...

Date of message edition 14 years ago

14 years ago

Hello Claudia 🌹

This is quite achievable by MadWin . Since on a game site (which I left), we were indeed able to modulate our favorite games 🙁y): Besides, it was the only good thing about them 😈

But I doubt the MadWin team will tackle this now, they already have quite a few bugs to sort out etc...

But nothing prevents them from meditating on it 😂

Have a nice day Claudia 🌹

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