Player lalili59 posted a message on 08/02 17:29 on the MadWin Forum: webmaster. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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Subject :  webmaster
10/02/2010 10:37:56

To answer just on certain points:

- Push Panic 2 disappeared because it was a very old game, it was almost not played anymore, and it was therefore logical that it should give way to a new one!
- Chaudron Express, which was a new game, did not please you at all, it was very little played, it is a failure for us and it was necessary to replace it quickly!

As always when a game disappears, the "fans" are disappointed, we obviously understand it, but it is so....

Finally, I would like to point out that new Prizes will soon be added to the Sweepstakes

Le Web Sweepstakes.

09/02/2010 22:02:29

It's true that some games have been increased like jet lag or mad course. Fortunately they paid really little. There was a small adjustment for Mafia Poker.

On the other hand, there are many bad points:
- Disappearance of push panic 2 and Cauldron express: 2 games that could bring more than 100pt per Round.
- Big drop in point for the rex garden, at first it was about 100pt per Round, after drop to 70, then rose to 140 and now we're at 59.
- Increase in the number of days required before obtaining Prizes from the Sweepstake (some prize distributed every day are 2 days, Prizes at 2 days are 3 days and those at 7 days are now 10 days).
- There is also a pure and simple disappearance of certain prize in this window (or is it just temporary? but there is still less prize them some time ago), there is only one DVD instead of 2, the 2 DVDs of the premium Round have disappeared.
- Pure and simple disappearance of the
Sweepstake - Pure and simple disappearance of the Diablo lotto

I also have the impression that the points you earn with credits (in normal games) have also been reduced. At least on CadoVillage for chaudon express (and I'm pretty sure for Castor X-Trem).

I think VIP games should have paid a little more than 50-60pt per Round but good.

I'm a little disappointed, but despite all this, I think MadWin is a serial site offering many opportunities to earn even without paying. There are the ticking windows that I've never seen elsewhere. Prizes always have the same value in madpoint (no adjustment, fortunately). And the mega challange where you can easily win 5000pt per week is a nice bonus.

It is better for the site to reduce its services a little rather than to disappear without warning. All Prizes ordered or won are delivered. On the other hand, the one-week deadline is not always respected, but we can excuse him.
The cheapest prize (the letter opener for 36'300pt) can be won in less than 3 weeks after the registration of a new player, few sites can claim this.

By the way, a quick question: why isn't there a forum for village and QuoVerbis prize? At a minimum, the "forum" button should be created on these sites.

08/02/2010 19:04:22

Hello 🙋 I didn't feel like I

was making a dry answer but rather an honest, sober answer and besides you have every right to say it, the proof... you did it! 😉 you

who have been following us for several years, you probably also know the number of sites that appraise and then disappear, that make Prize Shops that finally turn into raffle... etc It
is always easy to make promises, but you have to be able to keep them in the long term!

Our objective is simple:
- to guarantee the sustainability of MadWin: we are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year, and we intend to be here again in 10 years. This is an important question for our players: you can Play with us, accumulate MadPoints, knowing that MadWin will not disappear overnight.
- guarantee the system of direct conversion of your MadPoints into Prizes, so that you always have the guarantee that your MadPoints correspond in a certain way to a prize that you can request at any time, and receive it at home.

... All this requires a necessity: maintaining the balance of the site. And when games are too "generous", because you are better than we thought, well, we have the honesty to do what needs to be done: rebalance!

Believe me, even if I understand that this may sometimes disappoint you, it is the most honest way to proceed and the best certainty for you to be able to "capitalize" your Madpoints and exchange them for Prizes!

In my previous explanation, I had already confessed that we could better inform you, that's true. But since the process is, as I told you, partially automated, I am not necessarily aware of it before and it is something that is done regularly!
And once again: there are games that are revised "downwards", but also others that are "upwards", it is the How it Works balance. It's not so much about making you earn less as it is about preventing a game from "going wrong" and causing us problems on its own!

Good games!
The Web'.

08/02/2010 17:29:41

I don't understand how you answer quite dryly and we already knew that the scores had been lowered but your way of proceeding is not great and we have the right to tell you ,if we compliment MadWin everything is fine but when it comes to making a claim it's something else, if all the disgruntled MadWin players were to manisfest themselves the administrators would perhaps revise their way of calculating the points ,it's already been a few years that I've played and I feel that we're not getting a prize;;;;;;;;;;;

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